Member Release: Job Posting Opportunity Available in Region360

OCWCOG Members Can Post Jobs in Monthly Newsletter, Region360

OCWCOG’s monthly newsletter, Region360, will now offer its members the opportunity to include jobs in the newsletter at no cost.

Job announcements should be no more than 100 words (or 550 characters with spaces), and should be formatted like this:

APS Specialist, OCWCOG – OCWCOG seeks an experienced Adult Protective Service (APS) Specialist to investigate, provide intervention, and report on abuse against people with disabilities and older adults, as required under State and Federal mandate. Apply at

Job postings must be sent to by the 25th of each month to be included in that month’s newsletter.

Region360 reaches approximately 1,000 individuals across the Linn, Benton, Lincoln Region, as well as many from across the country.

For questions about posting jobs, contact