Albany Area Metropolitan Planning Organization

AAMPO News/Announcements

AAMPO is soliciting public comment on its Draft Public Participation Plan (PPP). The comment period will remain open until 5:00 PM (PST) March 28. Members of the public are also welcome to attend AAMPO’s Technical Advisory Committee meeting (2/20/25 or 3/20/25) and Policy Board meeting (2/26/25 or 3/26/25) where the draft PPP is expected to be discussed.

AAMPO Boundary Map

¿Tiene alguna pregunta o queja sobre las actividades AAMPO?

Si desea enviar una pregunta o queja con respecto a las actividades de planificación o programación del Área de Albany MPO (AAMPO), por favor, póngase en contacto con Billy McGregor at;  o visitando las oficinas administrativas al local: 1400 Queen Ave SE, Suite 205, Albany, OR 97322.

Si usted tiene una preocupación o queja relacionada con el Título VI de la Ley de Derechos Civiles de 1964, por favor visite nuestra página web Programa del Título VI para obtener información adicional y una copia de nuestro formulario de queja.

AAMPO Boundary Map

Albany Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (AAMPO) was established in 2013 to facilitate regional transportation planning for the greater Albany Area. Click HERE to find AAMPO's Designation Letter.

AAMPO members include the Cities of Albany, Jefferson, Millersburg, and Tangent, as well as Linn and Benton Counties and the Oregon Department of Transportation. Metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) are established by Federal directive for all urbanized areas with a population of 50,000. Please CLICK HERE to access 2024 AAMPO Membership Roster.

Contact Us

Billy McGregor, AAMPO Planner

Para información en Español, llame al 541-924-8405.