

OCWCOG maintains a library of geographic information systems (GIS) data with sources ranging from local cities and counties, to state and federal agencies. From these diverse sources, OCWCOG staff can produce maps illustrating:

  • Base layers, such as tax lots, jurisdictional boundaries, transportation networks, zoning and significant environmental characteristics
  • Census demographic data at the tract level
  • Aerial imagery and shaded relief imagery
  • Highway conditions and hazards
  • Soils and potential wetland areas
  • Environmental constraints and hazards

These existing layers can also be paired with data collected locally, information from county assessors, or data from the Oregon Department of Transportation and other state agencies to produce specific GIS analysis. GIS projects are typically completed as a part of larger planning efforts; however individual and/or specialized requests can also be accommodated after consultation with OCWCOG staff.

Questions that OCWCOG can help answer utilizing GIS data include, but are not limited to

  • What are the natural hazards and constraints in an area?
  • What are the development patterns in an area?
  • Are there visible patterns or correlations in highways traffic accidents?
  • What are the demographic patterns in an area?
  • What are the property ownership patterns or property values in an area?
  • What is the proximity of a proposed development to hospitals, commercial areas, airports or other urban assets?
  • How many residences are within a quarter mile of a proposed development?

Contact Us

Mary Bach-Jackson, GIS Planner