OCWCOG’s Community Services Program department serves the Region’s older adult population, adults with long-term physical disabilities, and Veterans, through: Meals On Wheels (MOW); AmeriCorps Seniors Programs, including Foster Grandparent Program (FGP) and Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) and Senior Companion Program (SCP); and Money Management Program (MMP).

Under contract to Benton County, OCWCOG staffs the Benton County Veteran Services Office in service to Benton County residents.. Under a separate IGA with Linn County Mental Health, the department oversees the Older Adult Behavioral Health Initiative (OABHI), which provides workforce education and promotes development of behavioral health services and supports across the region.

In addition to the programs listed above, CSP also assists with the development of cross-departmental and community-based initiatives as opportunities arise. CSP collaborates with Senior and Disability Services (SDS) and Community Economic Development (CED) departments in delivering identified special contracts.

Services are designed to assist residents and program participants to maintain their health, wellness, independence and dignity, and reduce social isolation by maintaining connection to the community. Several CSP programs offer a variety of volunteer and advocacy opportunities, and coordinate a number of community events throughout the Region.

Interested in volunteering?

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Contact Us

Benton County Veteran Services

541-574-2684 (Lincoln County)
541-812-0849 (Benton and Linn)

Meals on Wheels
541-336-2289 (Lincoln County)
541-967-8630 (Benton and Linn)
