Yaquina Bay Brownfields Initiative (YBBI) – Lincoln County
Yaquina Bay Brownfields Initiative (YBBI) – Lincoln County
A Coalition, led by the Oregon Cascades West Council of Governments (OCWCOG), including the Cities of Newport, Toledo; the Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians, and Lincoln County, was awarded a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Brownfields Community-Wide Assessment Grant in FY2017. A brownfield is a property that is not being used to its full potential because of known or suspected environmental pollution. The grant was intended to support brownfield redevelopment in developed areas within the Yaquina River watershed: the Cities of Newport and Toledo, and the areas of Lincoln County located near the Yaquina River between the cities.
A Coalition of partners represented the interests of their jurisdictions and assisted with community outreach and public involvement throughout the grant period. A Brownfields Advisory Committee garnered input from local stakeholders and community representatives. The grant was closed out in 2022 and funding from this grant is no longer available. The attached presentation highlights the great work that was completed in Lincoln County.
Yaquina Bay Brownfields Initiative (YBBI) – Final Presentation
U.S. EPA Brownfield Coalition
Personnel Name & Title | Agency | Contact Info |
Justin Peterson Community and Economic Development Planner |
OCWCOG | jpeterson@ocwcog.org |
Onno Husing Planning Director |
Lincoln County | housing@co.lincoln.or.us |
Judy Richter City Manager |
City of Toledo | Judy.Richter@cityoftoledo.org |
Beth Young Associate Planner |
City of Newport | B.Young@NewportOregon.gov |
Ann Lewis Commercial Property Manager |
Confederated Tribes of the Siletz Indians | alewis@stbcorp.net |
Tracy Bailey |
Economic Development Alliance of Lincoln County | tracyb@ctsi.nsn.us |
Margaret Olson | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | olson.margaret@epa.gov |
Mary Camarata | Department of Environmental Quality | mary.camarata@state.or.us |
Graeme Taylor |
Stantec | Graeme.Taylor@stantec.com |
Contact Us
Justin Peterson
Three new projects have been approved by EPA. Please click HERE for more details.