Technical Advisory Committee
The Corvallis Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO), established in 2002, is the designated Metropolitan Planning Organization for the Corvallis Urbanized Area, which includes the cities of Corvallis, Philomath, and Adair Village, and adjacent portions of Benton County.
CAMPO’s role is to coordinate transportation planning efforts in the Corvallis Urbanized Area and to serve as forum for cooperative decision-making. CAMPO also coordinates closely with the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT). The MPO also coordinates regional transit, facilities public participation in transportation planning, and overseas specialized projects.
The CAMPO Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) is composed of transportation planning staff from each member jurisdiction. The purpose of the TAC is to assistance and technical advice to the Policy Board. The five-member Policy Board governs CAMPO and is composed of representatives from the Cities of Corvallis, Philomath, and Adair Village; the County of Benton; and the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT).
Please visit CAMPO website for all meeting agenda packets
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