Cascades West Area Commission on Transportation

The Cascades West Area Commission on Transportation (CWACT) provides a forum for local governments to collaborate on local, regional, and State transportation issues in the Benton, Lincoln, and Linn County Region. The CWACT is chartered by the Oregon Transportation Commission (OTC) and provides input, advice, and recommendations to the OTC and the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) on State transportation plans and policies. (Oregon Department of Transportation : Cascades West Area Commission on Transportation : Get Involved : State of Oregon)

The CWACT typically meets from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm on the last Thursday of every other month at OCWCOG's building: 1400 Queen Avenue SE, Albany, OR 97322. Meeting agenda packets are available below approximately one week in advance of each meeting.

Among other work items, the CWACT solicits public input on transportation needs and provides recommendations to ODOT and the OTC on project priorities for the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP).

CWACT Membership: Each of the following entities nominates one representative and one alternate as voting members of the CWACT. Representatives must be elected officials; alternates need not be elected officials. Membership is confirmed annually by the OCWCOG Board of Directors.

  • All incorporated Cities in the Cascades West Region
  • Benton, Lincoln, and Linn Counties
  • All port districts in the Cascades West Region
  • All recognized Indian tribes in the Cascades West Region

The Board of Commissioners from each County nominates two private sector members representing business and other transportation interest to be voting members of the CWACT.

The current CWACT Chair is Linn County Commissioner Roger Nyquist.

  • Please click HERE for the CWACT Full Commission Membership Roster.
  • Please Click HERE for the 2025 CWACT Full Commission Meeting Calendar.

Full Commission Meeting Agendas and Minutes

Contact Us

Justin Peterson, Community and Economic Development Supervisor

Matt Lehman, CED Planning Manager

Ashlyn Muzechenko, Administrative Assistant


Interested Parties List

To be added to our Cascades West Area Commission on Transportation (CWACT) Interested Parties email list to receive updates on upcoming meetings, the agenda packets, and information regarding the regional priority project lists, please email Ashlyn at In this email, please include your name, (CWACT Interested Parties List), and the email address you wish to have added to this list.

CWACT Footprint

The map below shows the CWACT Region, which includes Linn, Benton, and Lincoln Counties.