Policy Board
The AAMPO Policy Board advises staff on issues related to policy and programs for the organization, and is comprised of local elected officials, representatives of varying transportation modes in the Region, State transportation agencies, and non-voting members, including Federal transportation agencies. Key responsibilities of the Policy Board include adoption of AAMPO’s long-range transportation plan; transportation improvement plans; annual work programs, budgets, and other policy documents. Click HERE to access the AAMPO Policy Board membership list.
Sign language, interpreting services, and other accommodations may be provided by contacting Ashlyn Muzechenko at amuzechenko@ocwcog.org at least 48 hours prior to a meeting.
El lenguaje de signos, servicios de interpretación y otras acomodaciones pueden ser proporcionados al ponerse en contacto con Emma Chavez-Sosa, echavez@ocwcog.org o 541-924-8405, al menos 48 horas antes de la reunión.
Meeting Agendas and Minutes
AAMPO Policy Board Hybrid Meeting
Meeting Details:
Wednesday, August 28, 2024
2:30 pm to 4:30 pm
1400 Queen Ave, SE Albany, Oregon 97322; Downstairs Conference Room
Via Teams by Clicking HERE
Meeting ID: 234 386 466 633
Passcode: SubiQg
Mobile One Click Number
+1 872 242 8088
Phone Conference ID: 983 687 329#
If you wish to attend as a member of the public, you can call, video in, or attend in person. If you require additional accommodations, or need assistance with Teams, please reach out to Ashlyn at amuzechenko@ocwcog.org.
Stakeholders and members of the public are welcome to attend any AAMPO meeting and provide public comments. More information about AAMPO is available on the AAMPO website at www.AlbanyAreaMPO.org.
About Albany Area Metropolitan Planning Organization
Albany Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (AAMPO) is the metropolitan planning organization for the Albany Urbanized Area. Members include the cities of Albany, Jefferson, Millersburg, and Tangent, as well as Benton and Linn Counties, and Oregon Department of Transportation. Staffing is provided through a contract with the Oregon Cascades West Council of Governments. Metropolitan Planning Organizations are federally funded and required for metropolitan areas with populations over 50,000 and are a venue for collaboration and coordination around regional transportation planning. For more information, visit www.AlbanyAreaMPO.org.
About Oregon Cascades West Council of Governments
Oregon Cascades West Council of Governments (OCWCOG), on behalf of the member governments, carries out a variety of local, State, and Federal programs. The majority of funding is provided by way of contracts to administer specific services. As an Oregon intergovernmental entity, OCWCOG can provide for, or on behalf of, its member governments any service that they are authorized to provide. Whether it is helping a business find appropriate capital, helping seniors and persons with disabilities plan for independent living, or coordinating local roads improvement priorities, OCWCOG offers these and many other innovative services to the local governments and residents of Benton, Lincoln, and Linn Counties. For more information, visit www.OCWCOG.org.
Contact Us
Billy McGregor, AAMPO Planner
Para información en Español, llame al 541-924-8405.
AAMPO will be holding hybrid meetings to accommodate all board members and members of the public. Meetings will be held at the Albany Council of Governments and virtually via Microsoft Teams. Members of the Public are welcome to attend all AAMPO meetings either in person or virtually.