The AAMPO Policy Board will hold a public hearing to review amendments to the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) Framework to add City of Albany transit projects as committed in the Federal Fiscal Year 2015-2018 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). These include operating, capital, and preventative maintenance costs for Albany Transit Service, Albany Call-A-Ride, and the Linn-Benton Loop through Fiscal Year 2018.
The hearing is scheduled for 2:30 pm on March 22, 2017 during the AAMPO Policy Board meeting at the Oregon Cascades West Council of Governments (OCWCOG), 1400 Queen Avenue SE, Albany OR 97322 (Upstairs Conference Room). The RTP Framework fulfills federal requirements for a long-range multimodal transportation plan.
A public comment period will be held from February 1 through February 28. Please provide comments to Theresa Conley via email at, in writing to AAMPO, 1400 Queen Avenue SE, Suite 205, Albany OR 97322, or offer testimony in person during the public hearing. Copies of the staff report are available online at and at the OCWCOG office at the above address. Copies may also be requested by emailing or calling 541.924.4548.
If assistance is needed to participate in this meeting please contact OCWCOG at 541.967.8551 (TTY/TTD 711) or Notification of at least 48 hours prior to the meeting will assist staff in providing reasonable accommodation.