OCWCOG signed an IGA with Oregon State University (OSU) to bring bikeshare stations and bicycles to campus in spring of 2017. Bikesharing is a network of bicycles available for short-term use. The addition of two stations and eight bicycles on the OSU campus will bring the total Pedal Corvallis system up to eight stations and 43 bicycles. Additional stations are expected to be added to grow the OSU portion of the system later in the year.
As of February 6, Pedal Corvallis has 90 active members, and 215 all-time members, who have taken a combined 1,136 bike-share trips. Total registrations are slightly lower than comparable cities, however utilization by members is higher. About 1/3 of participants are Medicaid members. A neighborhood-focused outreach campaign is in planning for spring/summer 2017, to further increase participation by Medicaid members and the entire community. Click HERE to learn more about Pedal Corvallis.