OCWCOG is Hosting a Webinar
International Economic Development Council’s (IEDC) Webinar on
Affordable Housing and Economic Development
The Oregon Cascades West Council of Governments (OCWCOG) will be hosting a viewing of the IEDC Virtual Learning Opportunities webinar on Thursday, August 17th at 11:30 am at OCWCOG’s office in Albany (1400 Queen Avenue SE). Please check in at the front desk reception upon your arrival. For more information on the webinar, please click HERE.
Economic Development Highlights
Senate Bill (SB) 867 Passed
The passage of SB 867 will create a Task Force regarding the Maritime Sector. This Bill will have multifaceted benefits for our Region. The Task Force will examine the real jobs in this sector, jobs that are not accounted for because of the way labor market statistics are currently collected. The Bill is intended to help describe the sector and its jobs, and by having accurate data, strategies can be created to grow this industry. The Task Force will work with companies in this sector to understand the workforce pipeline needs and help to inform community college curriculum to meet those needs.
Click HERE for additional information about SB 867 from the Oregon State Legislature website.
*Courtesy of Caroline Bauman, Lincoln County Economic Development Alliance
Economic Development Administration:
Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley announced key provisions in the Fiscal Year 2018 Senate Commerce, Justice, Science Appropriations Bill that will help Oregon communities. The Bill preserves $254 million for the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration (EDA), which was zeroed out in the President’s budget. The EDA leverages existing regional assets to support economic development in rural communities. Senator Merkley led a bipartisan effort to maintain the EDA’s funding, including $100 million for public works grants and $21 million for the regional innovation program.
Click HERE to access the U.S. Senate Committee on Appropriation’s website news release on this Bill, which includes highlights and a link to the full Bill.
*Courtesy of Sara Hottman, State Communications Director, Office of Senator Jeff Merkley
Grant Opportunities
Travel Oregon Competitive Small Grants
Travel Oregon is now accepting applications for its Competitive Small Grants program. Eligible projects may be awarded up to $20,000. Applicants must demonstrate at least a 10 percent cash match. A link to Grant Guidelines can be found HERE for specific eligibility requirements and to view the application questions. Application deadline is next Friday, August 9th at 5:00 pm.
*Courtesy of Travel Oregon
Upcoming Grant Opportunities
As you become aware of upcoming grant application opportunities, we would like to make those opportunities available to our regional partners. Please feel free to email those for district wide forwarding as you become aware of them.
To forward information, please contact Seth Sherry (OCWCOG Community and Economic Development Planner), ssherry@ocwcog.org, or at 541-924-8430.