Meals on Wheels (MOW) has been in a budget deficit for several years and a key goal of OCWCOG’s Senior and Disability Services (SDS) department is to make the program financially sustainable by July 1, 2018. The Resource Development Plan for MOW featured five major goals. Here is a brief update on those goals:
- Expand Individual Donations – A direct mailer in the Fall/Winter netted over $50,000 for MOW. A spring campaign is being planned with hopes of matching the fall campaign. In addition, SDS contracted with Westby & Associates to assist in developing SDS’s resource capacity. A list of 20 key individuals in the Region have been contacted for potential larger individual donations. So far, the effort looks very promising.
- Expand Business Sponsorships – Several businesses have been identified and are being approached through Wesby’s efforts.
- Increase Local Government Support – Efforts are under way to increase governmental support of MOW. OCWCOG will be reaching out to representatives of local governments as they start putting their budgets together this Spring.
- Increase Private Foundation Support – Two grants have been submitted in the last two months. SDS is currently working with Westby on a larger capacity building multi-year grant that will enable MOW to structure its program in a way that can accomplish all five development goals and maintain these business and individual relationships.
- Enhance Volunteer Base – SDS has not been able to pursue much on this goal yet.